
Time knocks this one outta the park…
May 7, 2008, 10:06 pm
Filed under: News, Uncategorized | Tags:

Time magazine’s brilliance ceases to amaze me. This years 100 Most Influential People is written by some of the folks who are on the list, or definitely deserve to be. The writer and topic of discussion either come from the same assembly line, or have absofugginlutley nothing to do with each other. It’s awwsome.  Some of my favorites: (writter x topic)

Tina Fey x Lorne Michaels

Ben Stiller x Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man was sick) 

Sean Penn x Bruce Springstien 

Laura Bush (shes married to George W.) x Khaled Hosseini (he wrote Kite Runner)

Roseanne Barr (thought she was dead) x George Clooney 

Clooney x Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie (quite the threesome)

Jerry Seinfeld x Chris Rock 

Marc Jacobs x Takashi Murakami (GEEEEENIOUS)

Michelle Obama x Oprah Winfrey… ugh

Bill Clinton x Tony Blair 

… and last but for-damn-certain not least

Donny Osmond x (none other that) Miley Cirus aka. Hannah mo-foin’ Montana



Spank Rock & Santogold Want YOU!!!!….
April 17, 2008, 3:15 am
Filed under: Music, News | Tags: , ,

I think Santi summed it up nicely when she said “get out and vote cause I dont wanna hear any complaints about it later”.